Once you've selected the book, click the Perform Data Verification Point radio button in the Verification Point and Action Wizard just as in step three above and click Next. 一旦你选中了书,在“验证点和动作”向导中点击“PerformDataVerificationPoint”单选按钮,和前面的步骤三是相同的,然后点击下一步。
Select the piece that you want to change, and then, on the format menu, click selected data point. 方法是:选择要更改的数据点,然后在“格式”菜单上,单击“数据点”。
Introduction from selected topic reason and significance, research present situation, research aim research technique and data source three aspects, brief and to the point introduction present paper creation goal and significance. 绪论从选题的理由与意义、研究现状、研究目标研究方法及资料来源三个方面,简明扼要的介绍了本论文创作的目的与意义。
Secondly, this thesis selected by the nearly six hundred listed companies in the empirical analysis of the data, stand point to design of enterprises tax and to find corporate tax planning a number of listed companies effective tax rate corporate income tax level factors. 其次,通过对筛选出的近六百家上市公司的有关数据进行实证分析,站在企业税收筹划的角度找出了一些影响上市公司企业所得税实际税率高低的因素。